Wednesday 16 April 2014

Construction Project Day #19

I built a den!

With the intention of using no lighting element within this work, I built a cotton 'shape' within my space. I would have preferred it to have been a perfect cube with stretched 'walls' and a beautifully fabricated frame, but then again I wish for a lot of things. I wish for:
  1. the income of Anish Kapoor
  2. the studio of Olafur Eliasson
  3. the interlect of David Batchelor
  4. the craftsmanship of Thomas Demand
  5. the home of Damien Hirst (complete with his shaker chairs...)

In the end I learned that wishing does me no good, at all. I have what I have. I have nice things that a lot of other artists would wish for:
  1. no other 'job'
  2. I make a (below-standard) living from my art practice
  3. I have a lovely home in Didsbury (ah hem.. Withington), Manchester
  4. I live in a creative, vibrant city
  5. I exhibit regularly
  6. I am not currently facing a 'wall'
  7. I currently have a vanilla sponge cake baking in the oven 
etc, etc, etc

Sorry, I am getting carried away! 

The aim for this work was to be able to see the brightly coloured objects radiating their colourfulness through the cotton fabric. This was partly achieved. However, the addition of a single florescent sticklight made the subtle coloured hue so much better.

As with previous days, I pushed myself a little further and played around with the work after its initial arrangement. 

I cut holes in the (not-so-taught) fabric to allow more light and colour to radiate. This brought interesting visuals and the work changed as a result. I preferred the hole-ridden version, I liked the circles on the floor (the positive and negative imprints). 

At the end of the day, I was productive. I shall now go and eat my cake and shut up!

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